Saturday, January 24, 2009

Cabin Fever

We have had some very cold days, where the wind chill has taken the temp down as low as -18. I wouldn't rug us up to go outside even if Pers & I weren't afflicted with the flu. So as you can imagine, cabin fever is kicking in and I'm about to commit toddlercide.

I just need some ideas, what do you guys all like to do with the wee-ones when you're hovelled up inside your 23rd floor appartment?


  1. A teaching friend at mother's group says she used to create little activity stations around the flat. I suppose that means paints set up in one corner, blocks in another, cooking in the kitchen, etc etc, so you could move from one activity to another in a vaguely structured way.

    So perhaps create an anal timetable of activities for each day and regularly change what you are doing to stave off boredom.

    And perhaps a few sessions of loud music and vigorous dancing to burn up some energy.

  2. Have you got enough stuff to make indoor cubbies (blankies over tables/chairs) or "nests". If you are willing to set it up for the day you can play a number of different games - some of which can morph into things like - the bear goes over the mountain - which she can act out while you both sing and you can crash out on a lounge whilst doing so... Other things we've done - indoor canoe (cushions for canoe with stuffed toys on board - paddle made of cardboard tube). In fact cardboard tubes are brilliant for just about anything - old toilet rolls used to get turned into people by drawing faces and clothes on them, you can make animals out of them, and so on. Lots of colouring in & craft. Lots of pretend play. Cook treats for picnic. Picnic on the floor in the loungeroom for lunch/am or pm tea. Books on CD are great too... reading along under the doona with a torch. Make a book about the trip back home that you can read together - she can supply the pictures. Make a scrapbook of something that she is interested in. We still have the animal one we started when ours was 3 - cut out animals, get her to tell you what they are & name them , you write it in pretty colours... What's her main focus at the moment?

  3. Guys, thanks so much, this is really helpful. I guess I'm not the most creative mum in the world when it comes to this stuff and having been sick myself, it's hard to not just go and die in a corner somewhere. But these are awesome and have given me some good ideas.

